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These resources are all available at school as well as at home. Click on Remote Access below to access the login information:

Scholastic Go! is an online encyclopedia for Encyclopedia American and Grolier Multimedia Company. Explore nonfiction texts, world newspapers, videos and more from more than 500,000 resources. 

EBSCOhost includes several databases containing full-text articles from all kinds of periodicals, health sources and professional education resources.

CloudsourceOA is an ever-growing, vetted collection of more than 40 million open access, peer-reviewed articles, nonfiction ebooks, and other materials. To access, go to the drop-down menu next to the house and click on "CloudsourceOA".

AP Newsroom is a primary source database from the Associated Press, one of the oldest and largest news organizations in the world.

A database of detailed "how-to" instructions and creative ideas that meet the interests of virtually every hobby enthusiast.

SIRS database includes information about controversial topics, ranging from climate change, immigration, cell phones in schools, animals rights, and many more. 

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